Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"Aunt Clara had for years labored under the delusion that I was not only perpetually 4 years old, but also a girl."

I know Gabe's crying, but doesn't he look so precious?  Look at how cute his feet were in this outfit!

And look at the ears on the hood! (and you can see he's still crying in this picture too)

He hated this outfit because he really couldn't turn his head in it - so after our photo session I changed him - look how happy he was after I put on more "manly" pajamas on him: 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Notre Dame Weekend

This is the boys in front of Touchdown Jesus :)
 Liam was able to take a nap, despite it being a bazillion degrees outside by the mid-afternoon.  When I went to pick him up when he woke up, his head was soaking wet.
 This is Gabe taking advantage of his Nanny by being cute and getting out of his nap time.

At Nana's and Papa's House

 Gabe is all happy in this photo because Nana is probably offering him hotdogs... like father, like son :)

Crabbies + Fresh Air + Sunshine = No Crabbies

When the boys get fussy, sometimes the only way to help them is to take them outside...
 ... which makes the cats super jealous.  Allie and Maddie aren't allowed outside yet because there are a couple of holes in the fence that need to be fixed first. You can see Allie in the photo below begging to be let out.

Here comes Maddie to join in with the beggin'.