Monday, December 13, 2010

I came up to go to bed when I saw that Liam was awake, so I called Lisa in and we started spying on him. He had rolled over earlier in the evening while we weren't looking, so we were hoping he'd do it again. Within 20 seconds of getting the camera he had rolled over.

I then rolled him back over and made him do it again in better lighting (cause that's the way I roll).

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Grabby Gabey Baby

For the very first time this past Friday I held up a ring to Gabe and he grasped it with both hands.  Since then he has become a champion at grabbing stuff.  Liam still isn't interested in the toys enough to reach for anything yet.  He usually just watches Gabe play with things or I have to manually put things into his hands.  In these videos you'll see Gabe miss the toy when reaching for it a couple of times ~ but that's my fault, not his.  I was trying to hand him the rattle while looking on the screen of the camera - so my depth perception was off, not his :)

This video is a little more than two minutes long.  If you have the patience to watch the whole thing, you'll get to watch Gabe sudden "see" the rattle I'm trying to entice Liam with and then start to reach for it (I end up giving it to him). 

Monday, December 6, 2010

We love our Daddy

Mommy left to go to the grocery store... these are the videos she came home to :) 

Our Swing: combination entertainment center and bed

The next 3 videos are of Liam in the swing over the past couple of days. 

Any time I stepped into view, Liam would stare at me ~ to get him to look up again, I would just snapped my fingers above the mobile and then would quickly move away once he looked up. 

You can hear Gabe talking in the background too. 

This is Gabe... falling asleep.

We LOVE this mobile!!!

This is the BIGGEST, light-flickering mobile we've ever seen!  We especially LOVE it when it is put on the following settings: the Cooking Channel, the Food Network and Home & Garden TV.  In this photo you can see we are watching the light show called Down Home with the Neelys - they make good lookin' ribs. 

Our First Real Snow!

Despite living through two "snowfalls" in Baton Rogue, this was the first snow the cats saw that lasted for several hours and actually stuck to the ground.  Both Allie and Maddie were mesmerized by it.

Here's Maddie...

And here's Allie...

We found our hands = No need for pacifiers

Top of the mornin' to you!

The boys are always the most content in the morning, which makes for the best time for taking pictures.

Liam with the camera flash (emphasizes his blue eyes)... 

...without flash (emphasizes his normal skin tones :) 

Gabe with flash...
... and without :) 

Play time

Here are the boys on their playmat

And look! Their feet touch the ground so much better!