Saturday, January 29, 2011

Nanny in Cincinnati!!!!!!!

Good Day Sunshine

This is Liam, but Gabe laughs just as hard when you shake the sun at him.

Check it out!!!

Last Sunday I was rubbing Gabers gums and felt... wait for it... 2 teeth!  It took us all week to figure out how to get a picture of them (when we would try to push down his lip, he would try to suck on our fingers).  To get this picture I held Gabe and shook the sun rattle at him while Joe waited for him to laugh and then took the picture.

Such a shame...

...Daddy could have been at this AFC Championship game. (note the rhyme?  eh? eh?) The boys were originally both wearing the same outfit, but Liam kind of ruined it right before the game started.  Wonderfully we had another set of Steeler pajamas.

Mommy has to do some laundry...

... so sit in here for a moment and entertain yourself :) 
Liam LOVES bouncing! Whenever I try to put him in the standing activity center (the thingie Gabe is in) he starts to cry within 15 minutes because he can't jump.  Gabey Baby, on the other hand, will just stand in the bouncer and play with the toys.  Only on two separate occasions have we caught him bouncing (one of the times was last night.) 

And take a look at those sweaters!  You may ask yourself, "Where on Earth did you purchase such lovely articles of clothing?  Were there any left?"  I'm sorry to say, you can't buy these... you just have to have a wonderful Nanny to make them for you :)

I thought exercise woke you up?

I know this is a long video, but Liam is really cute in it. 

This is a video of the first time Gabe figured out how to bounce...

...apparently it was exhausting. 

Friday, January 28, 2011

Football + Tummy time

The boys are both wearing their Steelers uniforms in this picture because in the background we're watching the Steelers v. Baltimore playoff game.  We're trying to teach them how to crawl... which is pointless when it comes to Gabe because as soon as you put him on his tummy, he rolls over.

Daddy with his boys

the Grandkids... and Sarah with Clancy

 Oliver + the Gabers

Oliver + Liam

Our Baptism

Pre-sin :(

Post-sin :)

The Gabers. 

 Our Godparents :) 

Who's who?

Yea... we think it's Liam in the polka dot outfit and Gabe in the navy blue... we think?